This is the first Amateur Radio magazine
that was produced using a cheaper and much poorer printing process.
This was forced upon the magazine by the war, which meant many amateurs
were over seas serving in the armed forces and the readership fell
greatly. As a result, advertising revenue fell and the magazine moved
to this cheaper form. The dimensions of the magazine increased, it was double the size of the previous magazine, to what is about A4 in todays paper size. The average number of pages was about 12. The magazines, as supplied by the National WIA, were in a folder, in chronological order but the front and back pages, the cover, was only present at the very beginning and end of all the pages. I have assumed that the same cover was used for every issue, just the month changed. I have added the correct month to start each month using computer graphics. Where the actual cover is available I have used that cover. Also note I have noticed a few inconsistencies with the occasional page numbers. It is only 2 or 3 that I have noticed. It is not always possible to be absolutely sure that any given page is the correct month, as only a page number is shown. However most pages have a natural flow from one to the next. |